Sunday, July 31, 2005

Dooyeweerd's theory of aspects.

Today, again while surfing the web and writing an essay I found a web page which is totally and completely what I like - Herman Dooyeweerd's theory of aspects.
The philosopher is described there as "The most profound, innovative and penetrating philosopher since Kant." (Giorgio Delvecchio).
This is my kind of philosophy.
Here's the link:

Friday, July 29, 2005

World as it is today is a place where many different political forces are struggling to get what they want.
IRA decision was surprising, is this everlasting hatred really over? It only seems that IRA wants to wash their hands from suspicions, because of the violent events lately in London.
Some forces call themselfs political but they really are terrorists, that means killing and no politics.
So perhaps we will see what is behind IRA's statement on disarmament.