Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Gorbachev made a statement.

"I Should Have Been as Tough as Putin" — Gorbachev


Thursday, August 24, 2006

16 Blocks - uus (arvestades meie kinolevi) üllitis Bruce Willisega peaosas, rež. Richard Donnerilt, kes varem produtseeris nt. filmid Lethal Weapon 1,2,3.
Antud ekraaniloos on tegemist ühe võtmetunnistaja toimetamisest 16 tänavajao kaugusele kohtusse, mis kujuneb tänu sellega seotud politseikorruptsioonile väga veriseks teekonnaks. Willis on selles rollis meeldivalt kurnatud, järjekordselt pohmakas võmm. Endisel baarimehel pole kehastamisega ilmselt raskusi. Kohustuslik happy ending ei riku asja ära vaid on moraalse alatooniga. Anybody should have second chance.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Igaüks unistab kellekski saamisest.
Unistuses kujutame ette midagi ja loomegi oma maailma.
Kui suudame kujutlustega seda maailma luua, siis miks mitte ka järgmist.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Kuulsaid sõnameistreid - Cary Grant

Mõned naljakad laused Cary Grantilt, kelle tegelik nimi oli Archibald Alexander Leach:
Once told by an interviewer "Everybody would like to be Cary Grant", Grant is said to have replied, "So would I."

A reporter once asked him, "Who is Cary Grant? He replied: "When you find out, tell me."

A reporter in search of information wired Grant's agent: "HOW OLD CARY GRANT?" Grant happened to read the message himself, and wired back "OLD CARY GRANT FINE. HOW YOU?"

"To succeed with the opposite sex, tell her you are impotent; she can't wait to disprove it."

Monday, February 6, 2006


ühel päeval olid kõik,
olid külm ja olid kuum,
olid kest ja olid tuum.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

W.A. Mozart ja Bruce Lee

W. A Mozart and Bruce Lee. Although different, they both died young and lived their lifes to the fullest. Achieved everything with great work, passion and talent.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Avaldus Maffiasse astumiseks

Application to Join the Mafia


Whazza u name? __________________ U-Hage____________

Whazza u howsa nummer? _____________ U-Streeta____________

Whazza-U-Bag? Hitta Man_____Lona-Arranger_____Prostitutta___

Izza U Girl or Boy?_____

Putta Downa Wearra U Worgga Now?______________________

Wazza U Inna De Bigga Ouse?_____For Whatzza U Inna De Bigga Ouse?

I Shoota Wun Guize_____

I Keednappa Sumbody's_________

Protekshun Ragget______ Udda Things_____________________

U Wanna B De Bigga Shotz, Dumdaze?? Yasse_____ No_____ Eh:_______

U Likka Eata Garlic? _________ Pizza? _________ Salami?__________

U No Ow 2 Makke De Cement Shooz ?____________________________

U Driva De Car? _______ Gadillac_______ Buick _____ Linken________

U Likka Likka Spagett?____ Galamari_____ Girlze?_____ Boyze?______

(Just peeka one--no foola rounda cus I slappa U face)

U Sees De Godfather? (Or justa de movie?)__________

Widda U Antry U Gonna Getta Somtink U Reely Lika..................

1 pr darke glasses
1 lb. mozzarella cheeze
1 black shirte widda white tie
1 kiss (later, onna U cheek)
1 pr. pointie shooz
1 wite hat, widde blacke brim
1 pr. cement shooz
1 spumoni (tutti-frutti)
1 8x10 picchur-Frank Sinatra
1 Appy Face Button

Goode Stoff (Iffa U notta Sure, I Talle U Whatta U Getta, Wizaguy)


Buy a CD of La Musica Della Mafia! Directly from me, got it over internet, no taxes included.


Monday, January 9, 2006

"The Holotropic mind"

"The Holotropic Mind” by Stanislav Grof.
I love his conclusion that a change in breathing patterns
can induce alternate states of consciousness.