Saturday, May 30, 2009

Grahami illusioon

Andke rahvale tsirkust ja leiba ja Billy Graham andis seda. Tasuta, sest SMS laenudest piinatud inimesed ei olekski piletit osta jõudnud.
Olen huvipärast vahel jälginud ühe teise talk-religious-stand-up-self-made-comic-show mehe Joel Osteeni tegemisi Life TV-s, päris geniaalne peab ütlema, hoopis teine tase, Graham ja Vain on nende vendadega võrreldes täielikud kokutajad. Ma ei mäleta kahjuks hetkel ühe teise "usumehe", endise vangi ja vägistaja nime, kes ka tervetele linnahallidele usumöla ajas, pärast selgus, et ta oli taaskord kedagi vägistanud aga noh...juhtub ka Vatikanis. Veel toredam on, et Graham levitab Eesti kohta täielikku laimu, just nagu teine vene agent Amnesty. Head teed neile põrgusse minemisel!

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


S. Brzezinski: "Its easier to kill a million people...than it is to control them".
No problem, there is an effective solution to control people - fear. And the fear today is made by using media, good example is most recently a swine flu paranoia or CDC H1N1 Flu. All this is actually far from pandemic proportions but to make people believe it is easy, people don't control facts, don't read books, don't think themselves because they are so lazy or too dumb. Like lambs.
Propaganda, false information, repeating lies over and over again using all the major news channels and newspapers, these are the key elements of today's politics. Same pattern is used everywhere by governments, to create fear to control people.
So there is no need to kill people, they obey because they are too afraid or they kill themselves and bring others with them.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Q: How many Masons does it take to unscrew a light bulb?
A: It's a secret!