Sunday, November 20, 2005


Neo-tech on filosoofia, millest ei teata palju. Ometigi on seal päris mõistlikke argumente. Selgelt vastandub see filosoofia igasugusele müstitsismile (religioon, spiritism), mis on vaid võimustruktuuride tööriist. Mingil määral sarnaneb neo-tech eksistentsialismiga kuid läbiv teema on nn. produktiivse ja reaalsuses elav inimene. Hea on produktiivne inimene, tänu kellele on arenenud tsivilisatsioon senisele astmele ning kes toodab püsiväärtusi. Religioon ainult pidurdab inimese arengut, müstifitseerides seda mida pole olemas, luues olematuid väärtusi.
Inimene on ja jääb üksi, pole olemas autoriteete (need tekitavad ennast ise ja on olemas ainult tänu kergemeelsete ja väheproduktiivsete inimeste toetajaskonnale). Õige pole ei kapitalism ega sotsialism vaid vaba konkurents.
Neo-Tech sarnaneb Krishnamurti õpetusele. Suremine kui selline on neo-techi järgi kõigest kahjulike elukommete tagajärg - on võimalik bioloogiline surematus (mis teoreetiliselt on juba eksisteerimas teatud kujul kasvajate puhul, rakkude juurdeproduktsioon on ainult kontrolli alla vaja saada ning siit tuleme jälle ringiga selle elu ja surma tsükli juurde, sest kontroll tähendab osade rakkude surma).
Pole olemas mitte midagi raskemat kui tunnistada endale, et tänaseid,homseid ja ülehomseid toimetusi ei tee ära jumal taevas vaid sina ise ning, et kõikide oma tegude eest vastutad sina ja ainult sina üksi. Ja kui sa sured siis jääb sust järgi ainult lagunev keha.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Super Size Me...

go see this film if you haven't done so already. Director and actor Morgan Spurlock spends a month in Leaving Las Vegas way of lifestyle. Only this time there is no Mike Figgis as a director and surely we don't see any Nicholas Cage drinking whiskey. Instead we see Morgan Spurlock eating fast food day by day by day. What is the result of this madness, you'll see.

Friday, September 9, 2005


Sometimes a total stranger can be more trustful than your closest relative. Your father, mother, brother and sister, and your children they all can be bought. They all can turn their backs on you. So beware.

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Carlito's way:

"Favor gonna' kill you faster than a bullet."

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Kui sul on naba asemel mutter, siis ei maksa seda kruttima hakata, sest tagumik võib ära kukkuda.

Some mob guy said:

"From one friend to another."

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Dooyeweerd's theory of aspects.

Today, again while surfing the web and writing an essay I found a web page which is totally and completely what I like - Herman Dooyeweerd's theory of aspects.
The philosopher is described there as "The most profound, innovative and penetrating philosopher since Kant." (Giorgio Delvecchio).
This is my kind of philosophy.
Here's the link:

Friday, July 29, 2005

World as it is today is a place where many different political forces are struggling to get what they want.
IRA decision was surprising, is this everlasting hatred really over? It only seems that IRA wants to wash their hands from suspicions, because of the violent events lately in London.
Some forces call themselfs political but they really are terrorists, that means killing and no politics.
So perhaps we will see what is behind IRA's statement on disarmament.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Der Untergang...

is another film and it is about the last days of 1000 years Reich.
Adolf Hitler by Bruno Ganz is excellent. It is not a movie for light enterntainment though, also it is not a movie for them who don't know anything about history, go see Gladiator instead, there is enough made-up history for you (take a Roman history book and check it out).
As a result I still believe that European war movies should be made by europeans and it is so good to hear actors speaking German.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Khodorkovsky on freedom the Russian way.

"Freedom is an indelible aspect of a human being, a special aspect". In response to letters from the readers of the Bolshoi Gorod magazine, Mikhail Khodorkovsky talks about his own understanding of Russian freedom – and why a revolution in Russia would be disastrous.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


You think you can control yourself, right? Think again. It is an illusion that you are the master of your life. Right now you think you are doing what you are doing, not even near, my friend.
Instead trying to gain control over your life, try to let things go.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Mysterious Russia

Heard from news today all over the world is that Moscow was blinded because of power cut at the station. It is really something. To be short, it is a set up. We should always ask a question - who will benefit from it? We already know it and the rest of the world knows it but they cannot say it, because there is no concrete proof of it. President Vladimir Putin is a long time opposer of UES chief Anatoly Chubais, due to his political views. There you have an answer.
Suddenly there is a criminal case and suddenly I have a click...same thing happened to another man recently. He also tried to start political career, but trying is enough in Russia to get punished. When there is no case, they make a case and when there is no proof they make a proof.
Let's face it, Russia is heading to a dark room and there is no light.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Good Morning Vietnam

It was a movie with Robin Williams starring in it. Movie was made 1987 but the war started actually 1948. Till today young americans are told that they won the war. Obviously no serious historian believes it, there is no question about it that americans lost the war as they lost the war in Afghanistan and soon they loose Iraq also.
This is not a memorial for Vietnam war, it just came to my mind and I thought I should write it down. You may call it a reminder that the Big doesn't always rule over the little.